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Balls in Hand - Win an end by knocking the jack out of play

Carreau! - Carreau an opponent’s ball

Close Shot! - Land a pointer shot within 20cm of the jack

Cursed Shot - Go from winning to losing with your last throw of the end

Here, Have This Goose Egg - Win an end 3-0

My Very Own Team - Create a custom team

Off the mark - Win an end

Pulling ahead - Win an end 2-0

The First of a Long Series - Win a game

The Hand of God - Go from losing to winning with the last throw of the end

The Ultimate Player - Max out stats for a player on a team

Would you like it gift-wrapped? - Buy something from the shop




Are They Even Trying? - Win a game by a margin of 7 points or greater

Comeback Kid - Come back from 7 points down to win

Eagle Eye! - Land a pointer shot within 10cm of the jack

Going International - Awarded for promotion to the international league

Going National - Awarded for promotion to the national league

Going Regional - Awarded for promotion to the regional league

Long Time Player - Play 100 games

Shopaholic! - Buy everything from the shop

The Ultimate Team - Max out stats for all players on a team

Winning Spree! - Win 3 games in a row

Bulldozer - Knock 2 opponents balls out of play in one end




Carreau Hero! - Carreau an opponent’s ball 5 times in 1 game

Champions of the Galaxy - Awarded for winning the international league on medium

Champions of the Universe - Awarded for winning the international league on hard

Tell Fanny I Said Hello - Win a game 13-0

Veteran - Win 100 games

World Champions - Awarded for winning the international league on easy




Pétanque Master - Got 'em all!

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