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Empfohlene Beiträge




A sense of sharing - Win a Team Deathmatch.

Appetizer - Finish the tutorial.

Arms in the air - First weapons purchase.

Catch me if you can... - Kill an enemy caught up in his grappling gear.

Contract signed - Win a Contract match.

Exe-cutter - Stab an enemy to death.

Fireworks - Kill multiple enemies with an explosive.

Flag'n'drop - Win a Capture the Flag game.

Hot head - Kill an enemy and yourself with a grenade.

Keener than thou, stay away... - Stab an enemy in the back.

Mine sweeping underway - Destroy an enemy explosive.

No quarter - Win a Free For All game.

On the radar - First use of a Drone.

Out of it - Finish off an enemy who has been stunned by a stun grenade.

Piercing eyes - Kill an enemy through a wall.

Return to sender - Kill an enemy by sending his own grenade back to him.

Shopeteer - First equipment purchase.

The One - Win a Last Team Standing game.

Trigger happy - Be promoted to Sergeant.

Very discretely - Kill an enemy with a silencer.

What a blast! - Kill an enemy with an explosive.

You've lost your head! - Kill an enemy with a headshot.




A product that'll blow you away - Purchase all Booby traps equipment.

Able to work - Purchase all Abilities equipment.

Earning your stripes - Be promoted to Lieutenant I.

Grand Slam - Win a game in each game mode.

Never two without three - Succeed a Level III challenge

On familiar ground - Win a game on each map.

Pineapple express - Purchase all Projectiles equipment.

Scope dope - Purchase all Scope equipment.

Stunningly class - Succeed all Level I challenges.




Gun running - Purchase all weapons.

Money walks - Purchase all equip1ment.

No one in sight… - Win a match on each map for each game mode.

Report! - Reach the highest rank (Commander)

Who dares challenge me? - Succeed at all the challenges from level 3.




Badges of destiny - Gain all the trophies.

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