basslerNNP Geschrieben 16. März 2012 Geschrieben 16. März 2012 Bronze All Assistants - Hire and use all assistant chefs All Recipes - Unlock all recipes All Restaurants - Five-Star all five restaurants Burger Face - Learn how to cook a burger at Burger Face Food Critic - Perfect the Food Critic at all five restaurants Mini-game Master - Beat all 5 in-kitchen mini-games Ned Special - Purchase a special ingredient from the delivery truck and use it in each of your restaurants Paperboy - Score a 92 or better on the paperboy mini-game Patron Pleaser - Please all 10 unique patrons Pepper Chop Master - Master the Pepper Chop Perfect 4 - Perfect a table of four Silber All Chef Spices - Purchase and use all Chef Spices appropriately Fortified Chef - Win the Fortified Chef Battle Gold Coin Goal - Earn 100,000 coins
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