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Empfohlene Beiträge




Breaking the Cycle - Retaliate against repetition.

Getting A Head In the Game - Sometimes you just need to relax and take the weight off your shoulders.

Good Hunting, Commander - A good commander knows how to wield her forces effectively.

Happy Birthday - You got a present!

Instant Hair Dash - Let your parasite feel the wind between his tendrils.

Medical Board Will Be Notified - Your opponents aren’t the only ones under the knife.

My Pain Will Be Visited Upon You - Sometimes you can take it, and sometimes you just want to lash out.

Real Circus Damage - And now, for the main attraction... Grappling!

The Kitchen Sink - Throw everything at them, including...

Toil and Trouble - A sesquidecemvir of seven simulacra synergizing simultaneously.

World Warrior Princess - Wander the world... unintentionally.




An Ensemble Cast - There may be no I in “team,” but there is in “variety.”

Call the Wardrobe Department - Make dozens of costume changes.

Prolix - Words are fun - expand your vocabulary.

Sküllgirls - Graduation day has arrived at last! Mrs. Victoria’s so proud of you.

Threads of Fate - Follow all threads of fate to their inevitable conclusions.

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