basslerNNP Geschrieben 26. März 2012 Geschrieben 26. März 2012 Bronze Brutal Footsteps - Silent killing - With the Silent Footsteps skill active, Brutal Melee an enemy player Bullet Spam – Kill with the Minigun pickup - Get 5 kills with the Minigun pickup in a single match while playing in Mobile Factory Cloak and Fragger – Kill Marksmen - While playing as a Marksman, kill 5 enemy Marksmen in a single match Exhausted - Get killed by missiles - Get killed by the exhaust from the missile launch while playing in Lente Missile Base Frequent Flyer – Fly for 60 seconds - With a Jetpack equipped, fly for 60 seconds or more in Tharsis Depot Hacker – Hack turrets - As an Engineer, successfully hack 3 enemy turrets in a single match Handy Man - Repair an object - Repaired an object for the first time Highly Decorated – Unlock Ribbons - Unlock all Ribbons in a single match while playing Operations or Warzone Immortal - Survive bleedout - With the Field Medic Triage ++ ability active, survive bleedout 5 times in a single match Jetpack on Jetpack Action – Jetpack killer - While flying in mid-air, shoot down and kill another flying Jetpack player in Tharsis Depot Medic! - Revive another player - Revived a friendly player for the first time Mini-Gone - Kill a player with the Minigun - Kill any player that is using the Minigun pickup in Mobile factory No Go For Launch – Deactivate missile launch - Deactivate the missile launch while playing in Lente Missile Base Now You See Me - Kill using Cloak - Killed another player while cloaked Radec's Revenge – Kill the ISA - Kill 5 different ISA players in a single match while playing in Radec Academy Spy Game - Kill using Disguise - Killed another player while disguised Tag. You're It. – Kill using the Recon ability - Kill 3 enemies within a single activation of the Recon ability while playing as a Tactician Taken From Behind – Brutal Melee from behind - Brutal Melee 3 enemy players from behind while disguised in a single match while playing as an Infiltrator Team Player - Play a match as part of a squad - Joined and completed a match as part of a squad Turf War - Capture a Tactical Spawn Area - Captured a Tactical Spawn Area for the first time Turn Back Time - VC9 Missile Launcher kill - Get a single VC9 Missile Launcher kill in Radec Academy Up Close & Personal - Brutal Melee another player - Used the Brutal Melee move against another player Silber 5 for 5 – Lots of guns - Kill 5 enemies with 5 different primary, secondary or explosive weapons in a single match Automata For The People – Automata destruction - Destroy an enemy Sentry Turret, Sentry Drone and Medi-Droid in the same match Blood Streak – Kill streak - Get a 5 kill streak in Blood Gracht Career Minded I - Rank up - Reach the rank of Lieutenant I Deadly Threesome – Triple Kill - Get a triple kill while playing in Stahl Arms Death By Proxies – Proximity Mine kills - Using Proximity Mines, kill two enemies within one minute in Blood Gracht Demolitionist – Destroy objectives - Demolish both buildings by winning Search & Destroy as ISA and Helghast in Salamun Market Exo on Jetpack Action – Kill a Jetpack - Kill a flying enemy Jetpack with an Exoskeleton in The Junkyard I See You – Minigun a Marksman - Kill a Marksman with the Mounted Minigun in Stahl Arms Jack of All Trades – Kill all careers - Kill one enemy of each career type in a single match Jetpack on Exo Action – Destroy Exoskeleton - Destroy an enemy Exoskeleton with your Jetpack while in flight in The Junkyard Little Big Weapons – Kill with secondary weapons - Get 15 kills using secondary weapons in a single match Tactical Mastery – Help capture Tactical Spawn Areas - Be playing at the moment your faction secures all four Tactical Spawn Areas simultaneously in Salamun Market Wasting Away I - Kill enemies - Kill a total of 500 enemy players onlin Gold Career Minded II - Rank up - Reach the rank of Brigade-General I Grand Slam - Win a match in 3 multiplayer modes - Won a match in Operations, Warzone & Guerrilla Warfare modes Wasting Away II - Kill enemies - Kill a total of 1000 enemy players online Platin Platinum - Collect all Killzone 3 Multiplayer trophies Versteckte Trophäen Bronze Iron Man - Get a kill with the Exo - Killed a player using the Exo in any multiplayer mode Pilot's Wings - Mid-air kill - Got a mid-air kill using the Jet Pack in any multiplayer mode
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