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Empfohlene Beiträge




Full-Timer - Play through one hundred online matches from start to finish.

Grabby, Grabby, Grabby! - Obtain every type of pickup at least once on every map in online matches.

In the Mode - Win an online match in each mode on every map.

Overachiever - Be the winner or on the winning team who has reached the kill or flag limit before time's up in an online match.

Road Rambo - Be the first to kill an opponent as each class of car in online matches.

Team Leader - Be the highest-scoring player of a winning team in 10 online team matches.

Thrillkiller - Kill three or more opponents within four seconds without dying on every map in every car in online matches.




Bloodlust - Be the first to kill an opponent in fifty online matches.

Nothing Can Kill Me! - Receive damage from every type of weapon without dying in an online match.

Perfect Double - Charge your shields up from zero to full in an online game by performing a perfect double somersault (720 degrees).

The Long Haul - Bring the opposing team's flag from their base to your team's base two hundred times in online matches.




Unstoppable! - Survive an online match from start to finish without dying.

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