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Empfohlene Beiträge




I'm Normal I Promise - Unlock the "Normal" ending.

Wall Basher - Acquire the Silencer.




A Time to Kill - Defeat Leonard in under 3 minutes.

Blasphemy - Defeat God in under 8 minutes.

Eye For an Eye - Defeat Missionary in under 2 minutes.

Flame On - Acquire the Flamethrower.

Hoarder - Pick up at least 100 items in SH3.

It Was All in Your Head - Unlock the "Possesed" ending.

Lost Memory - Defeat Memory of Alessa in under 3 minutes.

Ninja - Receive less than 500 points of damage in one game, in SH3.

Pest Control - Defeat Split Worm in under 2 minutes.

There's a New Sheriff in Town - Acquire the Beam Saber.

They Look like Monsters to You? - Defeat at least 75 enemies by fighting in SH3.

This Isn't an FPS! - Defeat at least 75 enemies by shooting in SH3.

What the Hill Just Happened? - Acquire the Gold and Silver pipes.




Adrenaline Junkie - Complete SH3 in 3 hours or less.

Coolest. Dad. Ever. - Unlock the "UFO" ending.

Heather's Got a Gun - Acquire the Unlimited Submachine Gun.

If Looks Could Kill - Unlock the Heather Beam.

Makes My Head Hurt - Complete SH3 with 2 saves or less.

Where's Luna? - Equip the "Princess Heart" costume.




I Guess it's Time to Roll the Credits - Unlock all Trophies in SH3.

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