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Empfohlene Beiträge




Amateur - Complete all the tutorials.

Check - Put an opponent in check in an exhibition game.

Checkmate - Win an exhibition game against the computer.

Pure Correspondence - Win a game of Play By Mail.




Problem Wizard - Solve 100 mate problems.

Tournament King - Complete Tournament mode on all three difficulties.




Grandmaster - Achieve an ELO of 2500 or a Grandmaster Pure Chess rating.




Versteckte Trophäen




Double Check - Deliver a check by two pieces at the same time.

En Passant - Perform an En Passant during any full game.

O-O-O - Perform a castling move on the queenside during any full game.

Piece Collector - Capture 100 pieces.

Promotion - Advance a pawn to the eighth rank in an offline game.




Epaulette Mate - Deliver checkmate where the king is blocked on both sides by his own rooks.

  • 10 Jahre später...
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Well, I played this pure chess game with computer software for training mode. But I failed to pass the initial levels of the board chess game. Because I'm confused how to move the castle in the right way. I m really interested to complete all the chess tournament having round about 100 levels. Can I castle out of check on the beginning level of the game?? But I've no tricks to handle it, although I spend most of the time to move the one piece of castle on the board. Really Confused.🤔

Bearbeitet von octusJackee

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