GREEN Geschrieben 26. April 2012 Geschrieben 26. April 2012 Bronze First Hunt - Defeat an animal in SURVIVAL. First Mate - Mate with a female in SURVIVAL. Furry Fashionista - Wear a complete series of clothing. Jungle Baby - Complete the tutorial. Jungle Boy - Survive 30 years in SURVIVAL. Master of Shibuya - Complete "The Return of the Tosas." Pedigree - Survive for 10 generations in SURVIVAL. Underdog - Complete "Shattered Pride." World Debut - Enter the online rankings. Silber Can-Do Creature - Finish all challenges in single playthrough. Jungle Man - Survive 45 years in SURVIVAL. Tokyo Jungle - Complete STORY and view the true ending. Gold King of the Jungle - Survive 100 years in SURVIVAL.
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