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Empfohlene Beiträge




Am I Epic Yet? - Execute the fire/wind/arcane combo

Bank Shot - Kill an enemy with a double ricochet

Finish Him Already - Keep an enemy chilled for 20 seconds

Fire & Ice - Kill a fire sylph and an ice sylph with a lightning storm

Ice to Meet You - Freeze yourself with a reflected ice bolt

Let's Get Physical - Kill an enemy with shield bash

Like a Rat in a Trap - Die while you're a rat

Makin' Bacon - Change every sheep at the tower into a pig

Quit Hitting Yourself - Take damage from a reflected arcane bolt

Shooting Blind - Kill an enemy that you can't see with curved bolt

Spider-nado - Pick up 5 spiders with a whirlwind

Take that! And that! - Hit an enemy with arcane, ice, wind, fire, and lightning




1.21 Gigawatts - Cast lightning trap, lightning storm, and lightning bolt simultaneously

Booty Hunter - Open 50% of the chests in the game

Burninated - Set 7 enemies on fire at the same time

Full Spice Rack - Find every ingredient in the game

Master of Fire - 150 kills with fire

Master of Ice - 150 kills with ice

Shattered - Shatter 3 enemies with one hit

The Miser - Accumulate 20,000 gold

The Old One-Two - Hit an enemy simultaneously with a curved bolt and a straight bolt

The Potions Master - Research every potion in the game

Zapped - Kill 4 sylphs with one lightning bolt




Dehydrated - Beat the game without drinking a single health potion

It's Mine, All Mine! - Open every chest in the game

The Collector - Collect every treasure in the game




Ultimate Sorcerer - Collect all the other trophies in the game




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