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Empfohlene Beiträge




Appetizer - Win your first race (Single player)

Detour - Activate a Shortcut 50 times

Feel the connection - Win a multiplayer race

Goon riding, hah! - Perform 100 Stunts

I can’t stop! - Collect 100 boost tokens

Power Extreme! - Activate Recharge 66 times

Runway runaway - Land in the target zone 50 times




Here for the long ride - Achieve level 10 in multiplayer

Mad skillz, I has them - Perform 250 Stunts

Racing nobility - Win all "Offroad Elite" events

The day I won it all - Win all races in all tournament cards including Offroad Elite races




Done and done - Win the last Tournament race (complete the tournament)




Mad Riders DLC




Alpha and Omega - Reach driver level 15




Encore - Achieve a 3-star rating in all "High Stakes" and "Balance of Forces" races

Keep on sharing - Win 10 multiplayer races on tracks from "High Stakes" and "Balance of Forces" events

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