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Enlightened magistrate - The most hidden truths always come out in the open!

Gallant investigator - Offering a flower… is a poem per se.

Imperial prosecutor - A judge must sometimes be harsh to bring out the truth.

Information expert - Collecting written evidence to reconstruct a story is certainly a good thing…

Poison expert - Your mastery of the medical arts has helped you to immediately identify this poison!

Psychology expert - You interrogate with finesse and get valuable information.

Secret passages expert - A small mouse has helped you to solve a great mystery…

Wise investigator - Even during tragic moments, a systematic search is sometimes necessary.




Crafty magistrate - A little bit of cunning can sometimes make it unnecessary to use force…

Generous magistrate - Is it not said that to be generous is to be great?

Handicraft expert - An imperial judge can also be good with his hands!

Imperial doctor - Your reputation as a healer will soon reach the imperial court…

Interrogation expert - You interrogate systematically… Everyone gives you information!

Master of secrets - You have discovered another hidden room… Now you must find out its secret!

Master of truth - Truth can be strange at times… Men's motives also…

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