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Empfohlene Beiträge




Around the world in 20 matches - Defeat every standard World Tour opponent.

Bon Voyage - Win a World Tour match.

From zero to hero - Go from score 0:9 to win 10:9 in a 10 goal match against Advanced A.I. or higher.

Jack of all trades - Use all types of trick shots in a single match.

Let's play - Win an online match.

Shutout - Defeat an "Advanced" or higher A.I. without being scored on (10 balls or more).




Master Blaster - Defeat all Master opponents in World Tour.

One Man Team - Score a goal using your goalkeeper.

Owned! - Defeat a Master opponent with "Perfect" rating in World Tour.

Your Excellency - Defeat every standard World Tour opponent with at least "Excellent" rating.




Mr Perfect - Defeat every standard World Tour opponent with "Perfect" rating.




Versteckte Trophäe




Booby prize - Score an own goal.

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