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Empfohlene Beiträge




50 Challenges Completed - Complete 50 challenges in challenge mode

All Challenges Completed - Complete all the challenges in challenge mode

Beginner Astro Admiral - Get an Astro Admiral rank on all the levels in the Beginner difficulty

Beginner Campaign Complete - Beat the game on the Beginner difficulty or harder

Beginner Continuum Captain - Get a Continuum Captain rank or higher on all the levels in the Beginner difficulty

Casual Astro Admiral - Get an Astro Admiral rank on all the levels in the Casual difficulty

Casual Campaign Complete - Beat the game on the Casual difficulty or harder

Casual Continuum Captain - Get a Continuum Captain rank or higher on all the levels in the Casual difficulty

Challenge Mode Complete - Get to the end of the challenge mode map

Mediumcore Astro Admiral - Get an Astro Admiral rank on all the levels in the Mediumcore difficulty

Mediumcore Campaign Complete - Beat the game on the Mediumcore difficulty or harder

Mediumcore Continuum Captain - Get a Continuum Captain rank or higher on all the levels in the Mediumcore difficulty

Pro Astro Admiral - Get an Astro Admiral rank on all the levels in the Pro difficulty

Pro Campaign Complete - Beat the game on the Pro difficulty or harder

Pro Continuum Captain - Get a Continuum Captain rank or higher on all the levels in the Pro difficulty

Tough Astro Admiral - Get an Astro Admiral rank on all the levels in the Tough difficulty

Tough Campaign Complete - Beat the game on the Tough difficulty or harder

Tough Continuum Captain - Get a Continuum Captain rank or higher on all the levels in the Tough difficulty

X-TREME Astro Admiral - Get an Astro Admiral rank on all the levels in the X-TREME difficulty

X-TREME Campaign Complete - Beat the game on the X-TREME difficulty

X-TREME Continuum Captain - Get a Continuum Captain rank or higher on all the levels in the X-TREME difficulty

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